ReadWorks offers 100% free, high-quality resources to assure science-backed instructional support for teachers.
Though not a new issue, pandemic-related learning loss has shed an increased spotlight on the complexity of reading proficiency in the United States. ReadWorks, a national nonprofit education technology organization, closes the gap between reading research and teaching instruction, all for free, through an online platform with more than 6,000 ready-to-use reading passages, vocabulary activities, and question sets.
Extensive research, in collaboration with world-renowned research institutions, has shown that ReadWorks is a game-changer for students’ reading comprehension. ReadWorks thoughtfully designs supplemental resources to align with many popular curricula to help students develop the skills they must learn on both strands of the reading rope — background knowledge and vocabulary acquisition, which experts say are the most critical skills.

ReadWorks partners with world-class organizations and universities to provide rich, engaging texts written by subject-matter experts. Millions of teachers have already used ReadWorks to add more culturally responsive texts, and to add more reading opportunities to their science and social studies curriculum with its nonfiction Article-A-DayTM routine. No matter what topic is being covered, ReadWorks’ supplemental content has been proven to improve students’ reading comprehension.
There is a world of new content and resources that teachers can tap into with only an email address, all available right now.
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